Thursday, June 4, 2009

A blog about Africa?

My name is Chrizelle and my husband is Peter. I am South African and Pete was born and raised in Kenya. We now live in the United States. We love Africa and we miss it a lot. But why would I devote a whole blog to a continent? Awareness.

I realized that a lot of people don't know much about this wonderful continent and some actually believe it's a country. There are more than 40 countries in Africa. Most all African countries have serious poverty issues, but it is rich in culture and diversity. There are many wars and political strife that are difficult to understand or solve from a western perspective. This won't be a political blog, it will only highlight some major issues and concerns. It is not meant to be comprehensive because I am certainly not an expert. But it will be informative, insightful and quite fun. it will give you a look into the colors of this vibrant continent.

I believe there is a lot to learn from "Africa" and its past and people. I have hope that one day there will be peace and prosperity for this marvelous continent.
Posted by Chrizelle at 7:19 PM |  
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